Shipping Policy / Pick Up Policy
For Orders within Singapore
Orders are typically packed within 1 working day. Lead time for larger or custom orders may take longer.
NOTE: We may change your delivery method without prior notice
(No reduction / extra charge will be made in the event of a change in delivery method)
Standard Delivery Options:
1) Courier
Method: To your doorstep (Please ensure recipient is contactable on the day of delivery day. Please ensure someone is available to receive the item)
Duration: 2 to 5 working days (Normally 3 working days)
Tracking: Available
2) Courier Plus
Method: To your doorstep (Please ensure recipient is contactable on the day of delivery day. Please ensure someone is available to receive the item)
Duration: 0 to 3 working days (Normally 1-2 working days, normal courier option may be used in replacement of this option during non-festive / non-sales period. For urgent orders, please inform us before placing order)
Tracking: Available
3) Express (Please contact us in advance before placing an order)
Method: To your doorstep (Please ensure recipient is contactable on the day of delivery day. Please ensure someone is available to receive the item)
Duration: 0 to 2 working days (Normally Same-Day Delivery)
Tracking: Available
4) Special Requests (Please contact us for these options)
4a) Singapore Post - Normal Mail
This method is only available for non-magnetic / small magnets within the allowable limit by Singapore Post.
Method: To your letterbox
Duration: 3 to 5 working days
Tracking: Unavailable (Not liable for lost mail. Proof of mail will be provided in picture form if requested)
4b) Singapore Post - Smartpac
This method is only available for non-magnetic / small magnets within the allowable limit by Singapore Post.
Method: To your letterbox
Duration: 2 to 4 working days
Tracking: Available
Self Collection / Buyer Arranged Pick Up
5) Self Collection (Please Contact Us in advance)
Method: In-person collection / Your delivery driver / Buyer arranged delivery courier
Duration: -
Tracking: -
Location: 7 Soon Lee Street, iSpace, #05-19 (Mon - Fri 11:00am to 5:30 pm) - By Appointment
For alternative location, please contact us - by availability.
For Orders outside of Singapore
For locations outside of Singapore, please contact us.
For special arrangements requiring magnetic goods to be shipped overseas, please contact us.